I was charmed into my time at Abhaya school when it was first established by the bougainvillea creeper and the badaam tree on the grounds. Over time I came to love this space – the location of much of my primary schooling and a site of learning and experience. In hindsight, this is where I first encountered new ways of learning that I remember fondly through house building, practicing for the Greek Olympics, preparing our own eco-friendly Holi colours and learning about places, both near and far. As I transitioned into High School this place also came to signify strong and trusting relationships with both my classmates and my teachers. It also made me stick my guns to what I believed in and made me an independent (if not sometimes stubborn) thinker! One of the most satisfying memories of school is the effort and the time I put into all of the different areas of learning, as I think of them now (back then they were all just part of school) such as knitting, math, languages, carpentry, painting, physics, surveying, astronomy, biology, chemistry and so on and so forth. I like to think that I tried my hand at a lot of things before I decided what I enjoy and what I don’t.